The In-Focus Blog

From Anecdotes to Action: Using Data to Power Up Your Mid-Year Marketing Review

It’s July. And, marketing teams across industries are closing their books on the first half of 2024. This can only mean it’s time for a mid-year review – the strategic opportunity to assess your progress, identify areas for improvement and refine your approach for the balance of 2024.

But how can you be sure your review results in actionable insights?

Historically, marketing reviews have relied heavily on anecdotal evidence, qualitative feedback or intuition (based on past experience). Fortunately, in today’s digital environment, we can dive into digital analytics and engagement data to gain a clear(er) picture of what's working, what's not and where to focus your efforts and invest your budget dollars for maximum impact in the last half of the year.

Here's how a data-driven mid-year review can transform your marketing strategy:

·        Identify Engagement Trends: Did your social media posts spark lively discussions, or did your email campaigns leave inboxes unmoved? Data analytics unveils audience engagement. You'll see which content resonates, allowing you to tailor your approach for the remaining months.

·        Refine Targeting: Demographics, interests and online behavior – data allows you to create a detailed audience profile. Use this information to refine your targeting and reach the customers most likely to convert.

·        Optimize Campaigns: Are your paid advertising campaigns delivering the desired ROI? By conducting thorough review, you’ll gain a clear picture of campaign performance, allowing you to identify areas for optimization: tweak budgets, adjust ad copy and explore new channels to maximize your return.

·        Predict Market Shifts: Data analysis isn't just about the past; it’s also a powerful forecasting tool. By identifying trends and customer behavior patterns, you can anticipate future market shifts and adjust your strategy accordingly, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.


IRIS Strategic Marketing Support can help you turn data insights into actionable strategies.

At IRIS, we believe data-driven decisions are the key to unlocking effective marketing. That's why when developing the GearBox platform, we prioritized the creation of our analytics and reporting module. It is designed to empower you with the information you need.

GearBox puts real-time data at your fingertips:

·        Interactive Dashboards: Gain instant access to key performance indicators (KPIs) with visually compelling and easy-to-understand dashboards.

·        Trend Analysis:  Dive deeper and analyze historical data to identify trends and anticipate potential roadblocks. This proactive approach allows you to adjust your strategy before issues arise.

·        Segmented Reporting:  Go beyond generic metrics and understand how different audience segments are interacting with your campaigns. This allows for targeted messaging and content that resonates with specific demographics and interests.

·        Real-Time Projections:  GearBox provides valuable insights into future performance, allowing you to plan strategically and optimize your marketing spend.

·        Benchmarking and Optimization:  Identify winning strategies by comparing your campaigns against industry benchmarks. GearBox also offers recommendations for optimizing campaigns, maximizing their effectiveness.


The mid-year mark is a perfect time to take stock and use data analytics and engagement metrics to springboard not only your marketing efforts in in Q3 and Q4 but help you draft an informed strategy and budget for 2025.

As you plan ahead and search for a platform that will provide you not only with data and insights to make informed decisions but could also be your one-stop-shop for vendor management, channel marketing, rewards program, digital asset management, etc., consider scheduling a 30-minute demo with IRIS.

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